Scafell Pike – Sun 3rd Dec 2023

A call was received from Cumbria Police from a concerned relative. A party of four well equipped walkers had planned to camp on the fells after an ascent of Scafell Pike. After the heavy snowfall in the county, none of the walkers were able to be contacted. However as further Read more…

Scafell Pike – Sun 8th Oct 2023

A call was received from Cumbria Police about two walkers who were overdue from a walk up Scafell Pike. A family member was concerned for their safety. The Team Leader started to gather information and put the team on standby, however, shortly afterwards the good news was received that the Read more…

Scafell Pike – Sun 13th Aug 2023

A call was received via Cumbria Police; a concerned friend was reporting a party of four walkers overdue from their walk up Scafell Pike after over 11 hours since they had set off. They had started and were intending to finish at Seathwaite. Happily after a short time, contact was Read more…

Wasdale – Sun 6th Aug 2023

A call was received from Cumbria Police, about a lone walker that had failed to return to her accommodation. She had left on foot and taken the shuttle bus down to Wasdale Head at 10am. A local team member was tasked to see if she had missed the last bus Read more…