After nearly 50 years in the village of Gosforth, Wasdale MRT is looking to move to a purpose-built facility close to the village. The current building is a converted forge and is restrictive in terms of space and functionality. It also relies on the goodwill of local residents and the local pub for parking and access. The new base will give the space for an increasing membership who now have more equipment such as swift water rescue gear and will be a facility that will take the team over the next 50 years. It will also mean less of a disruption to local residents by reducing the traffic of rescue team members driving to base and easing the parking situation.
The team needs to secure the land to build its base and needs to raise towards £0.5M to build the base. The team has identified some funds that are not earmarked for other activities but still needs a substantial amount to reach the build target and would welcome funds to achieve this. As more details become certain we will post more information on this important and exciting project.