The Wasdale Mountain Rescue team is a voluntary rescue organisation. We are a registered charity, number 1020136, and are governed under Charity Commission law.
As a rescue organisation our primary role is search and rescue however we recognise that sharing information about our activities may help reduce the numbers of avoidable accidents. We do not accept liability for actions influenced by information provided on this public website. The information and material are provided in good faith and is as accurate as we can make it. There may be errors and omissions, and of course conditions may change. Readers are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that they are properly prepared, equipped and experienced when they venture onto the hills.
We have no control over external sites that we may link to. Links are provided to assist readers and provide further information. We make no guarantee about the safety, suitability or reliability of external content.
Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team have a policy of obtaining written consent before publishing photgraphs where the casualty / casualty party can be identified. If anyone can readily identify themsleves and wish their photo to be removed or fuzzed out,then please contact us. The general policy of the team is that if an incident group / casualty cannot be identified on a photograph i.e. a back shot, a distant shot; then it is permissible to display as it is with general shots of public in the background. Only under specic circumstances (i.e. when the casualty actually writes a true story article and wishes their details to be included) will the team publish their supplied information. This policy also applies to the team Facebook page.