Great Gable – Sun 5th May 2024

A call was received from Cumbria Police via Cockermouth MRT who were originally assigned the call. A group of walkers could see lights that appeared to them to be flashing on the climbers traverse path on Great Gable and they were concerned that they were trying to summon help. A Read more…

Great Gable – Sun 12th Nov 2023

A very brief alert when a request from Cockermouth Mountain Rescue Team was received following an ankle injury to a walker on Green Gable which they were dealing with. This was shortly after the Remembrance Day service, so there were team members already on the fell. However, after checking numbers Read more…

Ennerdale – Tue 10th Oct 2023

A call was received from Cumbria Police about a someone reporting a lone family member who had become somewhat disoriented in the misty conditions at height and was now cold and wet. The caller was concerned for the walker’s safety. As this was reported by a third party no location Read more…

Scoat Fell – Sat 2nd Sep 2023

We were called by Cumbria Police about a walker on Little Scoat Fell who had fallen ill. The Team Leader quickly liaised with our neighbours at Cockermouth MRT as the access/egress route is a quicker option from their side. They kindly agreed and took care of the callout from that Read more…

Cold Fell – Tue 27th Jun 2023

The team was alerted by Cumbria Police about a lone walker who was overdue. However, as further information was gathered it was clarified that the location was outside of our operational area and so the tasking was transferred to Cockermouth MRT.

Pillar – Mon 27th Mar 2023

A call was received yesterday from Cumbria Police regarding a lone walker who had departed with the intention of walking from Wasdale Head to Pillar. A family member had reported him as overdue and was concerned for his safety. The car parks (and pub!) at Wasdale Head were checked, which Read more…