68 in 2008
Great Gable

Request came in via mobile ‘999’ to police. 74 yr old male walker fallen 40 foot on Great Gable. Two male walkers, one having taken a tumble fall down the scree on Great Hellgate, below Tophet Wall on Great Gable. 17 team members attended. Weather fine. Following medical treatment to a series of head wounds he was stretchered back down Brackenclose where he was transferred to an ambulance and taken to West Cumberland Hospital. Incident closed at 9.00 p.m.

Incident started at 15:55 and ended at 21:00 making 5.1 hrs in total. There were 17 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY 21040 09932 (altitude 637 m). Total rescuer hours: 87
