123 in 2024
Ill Crag

The team was called by Cumbria Police about a party of three walkers and their dog. They had become benighted after a very long day out and were unable and ill-equipped to navigate themselves down to safety. Their dog was also struggling.

The Team Leader discussed the situation with one of the parties and decided that from this location it would be safest to send a group to their location and guide them down to Wasdale.

As such a callout was made and team members made their way to the location high on the Scafell Massif, arriving at 3 am.

After some rewarming and equipping of the party in a bivvy shelter, the party started the long descent to Wasdale via Esk Hause and Sty Head.

Once back in the valley, after a debrief, the party was brought back to base where a taxi was arranged to take them back to their vehicle at Wrynose Pass. The team restocked the vehicles and wearily made their way home.

#BeAdventureSmart and make a good day better.

Incident started at 22:27 and ended at 08:25 making 10 hrs in total. There were 8 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY 221076. Total rescuer hours: 80
