58 in 2023
Lingmell Col, Scafell Pike
Other Agencies
The team was called by Cumbria Police in the first of three calls on Saturday afternoon. A very experienced walker had slipped, sustained an injury to his knee and was now unable to bear any weight. A full callout was made with extra support once again requested from our friends at Duddon and Furness MRT for a potentially long carry.
However, whilst team members were arriving at base, a second potentially urgent call was received and diversion to this callout delayed our response. Due to the delay Helimed H08 then became available to help and was available to land close to the casualty, treat and the evacuate him to hospital. Team members arrived on scene in time to take some nice footage of the departing helicopter! Thanks to the crew of Helimed 08 for their help once again. We wish the walker a swift recovery.

Incident started at 12:23 and ended at 17:54 making 5.5 hrs in total. There were 9 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY 209077. Total rescuer hours: 50
