Paged by the police for lost walkers on Great Gable – Team leader called the lost group (three male walkers) and established that although they had maps and compass, they had made a navigational error in the low cloud and were actually to the north west of Gable rather than their intended route which should have been to the North east. From the description given to the Team leader over the mobile of where they had been and a reference to a group of small tarns, the leader established that they were actually on Kirk Fell top. He redirected them back to Beck Head and then back to Honister. The group called in at 10.00 p.m. to advise that they were back down safe and well. Incident closed. No team members put onto the fell.
Incident started at 15:27 and ended at 22:00 making 6.6 hrs in total. There was 1 Wasdale team member involved and the incident occured at NY 19760 10647 (altitude 758 m). Total rescuer hours: 7