68 in 2012
Calf Cove, Great End
Other Agencies
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Searching in poor visibility

Searching in poor visibility

The team were called out to search for a pair of walkers who were lost on descent from Scafell Pike. They were very cold and wet and were not able to give the team much information to narrow down the search area. With the assistance of Duddon and Furness and Keswick teams and search dogs the whole of the Scafell massif was searched. At around 02:30 the pair were found near Calfcove Gill, under Ill Crag. After being warmed and given dry clothing the casualties were evacuated by a Sea King from RAF Boulmer that was attending to assist the search.

Approximately 40 MRT members were involved this rescue that took around nine hours. It was the team’s second all night rescue in four nights!

Incident started at 20:48 and ended at 06:30 making 9.7 hrs in total. There were 13 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY 22785 07675 (altitude 701 m). Total rescuer hours: 126
