13 in 2024
Other Agencies
An alert was received yesterday from Cumbria Police about walkers who were unaware of their location and were cold and wet. The location from the initial call put them on the path in Upper Eskdale and a further one a few minutes later confirmed that they were heading in the right direction and not too far from the road.
The situation was monitored by the Team Leader until confirmation was received that the party was safe and well and off the fell.
#BeAdventureSmart and make a good day better.
Ask yourself three questions before you set off:
1. Do I have the right GEAR ?
2. Do I know what the WEATHER will be like?
3. Am I confident that I have the KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS for the day?

Incident started at 13:52 and ended at 15:26 making 1.6 hrs in total. There were 2 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY 222 028. Total rescuer hours: 3.2
