Incident started at 16:17 and ended at 23:23 making 7.1 hrs in total. There was 1 Wasdale team member involved and the incident occured at NY21580720. Total rescuer hours: 7
A group of 16 ( 8x adults, 8x children of various ages) called 999 to report themselves lost near to the summit of Scafell Pike. Cumbria police contacted us to deal with this. The team leader was eventually able to speak to the group as the police patched the 999 call to him. As the party were being advised of which way to walk to safety the weather cleared enough for the group to be able to walk themselves back to Seathwaite. This obviously saved the whole team yet another trip up the mountain during an exceptionally busy period.
The group eventually contacted the team leader to say they were safely back at their vehicles and the team were stood down.