The team received a call from Cumbria Police early on Sunday morning about two walkers who had taken a wrong turn on an ascent of Scafell Pike and were concerned for their safety in poor weather. The mobile signal was patchy but a location was obtained at Mickledore near the stretcher box.
Knowing that the stretcher box has directions on the outside and is a source of shelter with insulating materials stored inside, the decision from the Team Leader and the police was to wait until dawn for a re-evaluation and possible team deployment.
Contact was able to be made at first light. The two walkers had indeed sheltered inside the stretcher box, but there was also a report of a leg injury with one of them. As such a team callout was made and again Duddon and Furness MRT supported with additional fell going members for a potentially long stretcher carry.
Once on scene, re-warming with additional clothing and food and drink was provided, alongside a medical assessment and some pain relief. This enabled the walker to mobilise sufficiently to walk off the fell under his own steam after some additional rope protection was provided down Mickledore gully for extra confidence and security.
The rest of the walk off proceeded well and the walkers were escorted safely down to the valley. Both teams then returned to Wasdale base for some hot refreshments and pizza. Thanks once more to Duddon and Furness MRT. We also hope the walkers are none the worse for their unplanned night on the fell.
Incident started at 01:58 and ended at 14:13 making 12.3 hrs in total. There were 12 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY210069. Total rescuer hours: 148
Incident139 in 2023 TypeFull Callout — Lost LocationMickledore, Scafell PikeWeatherCold, Mist, Rain, WindyOther AgenciesCumbria Police, Duddon & Furness MRTTaggedLostSave The Date! Something BIG is about to happen! Be prepared for a day full of family fun Read more…
Incident139 in 2023 TypeFull Callout — Lost LocationMickledore, Scafell PikeWeatherCold, Mist, Rain, WindyOther AgenciesCumbria Police, Duddon & Furness MRTTaggedLost Members of the team were in Egremont on Saturday 7 December and in Whitehaven on Saturday 21 Read more…
Incident139 in 2023 TypeFull Callout — Lost LocationMickledore, Scafell PikeWeatherCold, Mist, Rain, WindyOther AgenciesCumbria Police, Duddon & Furness MRTTaggedLostThank you again to Lakeland Lights for their magnificent support of the team. See a map Read more…