WMRT is 50 years old today

Wasdale MRT has been assisting people in the western fells for 50 years, since its formation on 1 October 1968, and was formed from the Wyndham Search Team. It is now one of twelve teams in the Lake District Search and Rescue Association (LDSAMRA). To celebrate this anniversary, the team has published a book in full colour 256 page format detailing the history of mountain rescue in the Wasdale area and the development of the Read more…

New Base Official Opening

On Saturday 16th September, Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team’s purpose-designed new base was officially opened by the legendary fell-runner and Team Vice-President, Jos Naylor MBE. You can watch the video here https://vimeo.com/290675469/6f7d35f9d3 The base, which is near Gosforth in Copeland has cost £643,000 and has taken several years to achieve. It was made possible after an allocation from the Copeland Community Fund (CCF) of £218,000, funding from the Lake District Search and Mountain Rescue Association (LDSAMRA) Rescue Read more…

New Base Operational!

This week has seen the new base become operational after several years of planning and a huge amount of work from a dedicated group of team members who worked tirelessly in surmounting many challenges. This is a magnificent achievement from everyone involved and we thank you all. On day one of becoming operational, the first callout was successfully run from the new base. The base will be officially opened by Jos Naylor MBE on Saturday Read more…

New Base Progress – May 2018

Yesterday Wasdale MRT accepted handover of their purpose-built new base from principal contractor Roland Hill Ltd. Some fitting out and testing of communications by the team is required prior to going operational in July. Thank you to all in the community who have supported this project and are instrumental in achieving this important milestone. Here are some pictures.  

New Base Progress – April 2018

April has seen the building nearing completion. Progress continues with plastering, painting, cabling, fitting of doors, doorframes, stairs and the myriad of jobs to make the base useable.  The kitchen is in the final stages of fit out. The radio mast has been fitted with aerial and cabling. Early in April, the vehicles were parked in their locations to help with the final fit out of racking and positioning of the emergency generator in the Read more…

Lingell Dash Fell Race 2018

The annual Lingmell Dash takes place on 28th July at 14:30.  All proceeds to the team. Category: AS Distance: 7.2km / 4.5m Climb: 762m / 2500ft Venue: Wasdale Head Inn carpark, CA20 1EX. Grid ref: NY187088 Skills & experience: ER, LK, NS Minimum age: 16 http://www.fellrunner.org.uk/races.php?id=5790    

Wasdale MRT Receive donation from Blengdale Runners

Members of Wasdale MRT were invited along to the Blengdale Runners AGM to receive a £400 donation from the proceeds of last year’s 2 road races. Each year Blengdale Runners, also based in Gosforth, host a 10 mile run in June and a 10km in September.  All money raised is donated to local charities in the surrounding area.  The races have been organised for almost 30 years now and Wasdale MRT have provided a tail Read more…

BBC’s The One Show – Thursday 25th January at 7pm

If you are interested to see what Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team gets up to there is a 5 minute edited piece that will be going out this coming Thursday 25th evening (show starts 7.00 pm on BBC1). The show focuses on the high numbers of callouts and additional signage for England’s highest mountain, Scafell Pike. We have been told that it will air unless something major happens in the UK for it to be rescheduled…….here’s Read more…

New Base Progress – December 2017

The month of December saw the completion of the external blockwork and the installation of the ceiling joists. We also took delivery of and erected the new radio mast. The building is almost watertight and the next steps are to fit the door and window furniture.

BBC’s The One Show films Wasdale MRT

This weekend saw the team being filmed for BBC’s The One Show. The final footage is still being recorded and edited and the 2 1/2 minute feature will air in the New Year. The article follows the team on a practice version of a typical callout where a casualty has sustained a fracture dislocation of a lower leg and needs to be stretchered off the path that runs up to England’s highest mountain, Scafell Pike. Read more…

New Base Progress – October 2017

October has seen the roof sections installed along with cladding and block work. The ground source heat pump manifold has been connected. The last few pictures show the view from inside the building for the first time, with the two garage openings visible, gear-up room, control room, lobby, office, wet room, drying room and plant room.

Swift Water Training Weekend in Bala

Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team have a specialist capability for Flood and Swift water Rescue. This consists of a dozen trained and accredited ‘technicians’ who are responsible, together with other MRTs and partner agencies for responding to flooding and water related incidents. MRTs have made a significant contribution in responding both in Cumbria and elsewhere over the last few years. For these Technicians to retain their accreditation they need to undertake at least two days additional Read more…

New Base Progress – September 2017

Following the completion of the ground preparation last month, September has seen significant progress above ground. Here you can see that the steel frame has been erected and that the block work has started. The garage entrances are now visible nearest the camera and some of the cladding has been delivered to site.