On Sunday 18th March a Wasdale MRT representative attended a training session with Cumbria Ore Mines Rescue Unit (COMRU) at Knockmurton Iron Mine (No 9 Vein workings) at Lamplugh. Topics covered included:
- Surface practice of hauling systems using 3, 5 and 9 way pulley systems
- Pitch bolting – identification of sound rock, drilling techniques, hole clean-out, bolting and hanger placement
- Decent of Pitch and exploration of adits and stopes in No 9 vein workings
- Ascent of Pitch, including simulated casualty raising, using hauling systems and independent barrow-boy and safety lines
- Testing of underground Hay radio systems and communications
This was an excellent opportunity for the team to learn more about COMRU’s capabilities and how the two organisations would work together should an incident take place in one of the many mines in our area.