Trainee Search Dog Tilly
A very warm welcome to our newest team member! Tilly and her trainee handler Mike, have just started their training with Lake District Mountain Rescue Searchdogs. We wish them well and every success in their future training.
A very warm welcome to our newest team member! Tilly and her trainee handler Mike, have just started their training with Lake District Mountain Rescue Searchdogs. We wish them well and every success in their future training.
You might be interested in a new podcast hosted by one of our team members, Chad Dixon. In this episode he talks with the legendary fell runner, Wendy Dodds. In the first episode, Chad talked with John and Susan Noake, who between them have over 100 years of service to Read more…
We are delighted to announce that last night the ‘class of 2022’ probationers successfully completed their final hill assessment with 8 becoming full team members with an additional 2 to follow. All the group have been a credit to themselves individually and as a group and are welcomed into the Read more…
Tonight we were delighted to welcome our new probationary intake at their first full team training session. We wish them all the best and thank them in advance for their commitment to the team.