52 in 2010
Scafell Pike

Call came in from the Police for three 18/19 yr olds on the Three Peaks Challenge. They were on their way up at the Mickledore Stretcher box and were seeking reassurance as to where they were. They were contacted by the Incident Leader who put them on the right bearing up to the summit as they were insistent on carrying on. They were also given a description of the summit and a bearing from there to Lingmel Col as they did not want to go back down the route they had come up.A second call in from the police later that day to say that the group were again lost on their descent. The incident leader talked to them and established that they were in the hollow below Broad Crag Col. They were given instructions to get to the head of Piers Gill and bear left along the wall to Lingmel Col. A team member spoke to the father at Wasdale Head to explain the situation and the father then decided to go up the mountain to meet them coming down. A subsequent call from the Police came in when the mother had called advising that she had spoken to the father who had turned round after not meeting them. Eventually the three lost persons turned up at 2.30 p.m. having possibly walked down from the Burnthwaite side. Incident closed at 3.00 p.m. with no further action required by the team.

Incident started at 08:00 and ended at 15:00 making 7 hrs in total. There was 1 Wasdale team member involved. Total rescuer hours: 7
