- Incident
- 12 in 2007
- Type
- Callout — Cragfast
- Location
- Wastwater Screes
Ambulance Control phoned the deputy team leader to advise that they had just taken a ‘999’ call from an informant who had heard shouts for help and then seen a walker waving his arms. He was crag fast high up on the Screes above Wastwater. The person was a male in his early 40’s from the Carlisle area who had descended via Great Gulley and then moved out onto the buttress. The team approached from below heading up the very steep ramp and then back across to the gulley by a sheep trod. This is not a path but with local knowledge can be used to access Great Gulley and then a short scramble up to the top of the Screes. He was located in low cloud approximately 50 m below the traverse trod at the top of the rocky buttress, approximately 1500 ft above the lake. He was roped up and the advance group descended back down via the rake and ramp. Due to the difficulty of this ground at night it was necessary to illuminate the descent route with marker torches. The crag fast walker was back at the vehicles by the pump house at around 9.30 p.m. There were approximately 18 team members on the rescue. The incident was closed at 10.00 p.m.
Incident started at 19:00 and ended at 22:00 making 3 hrs in total. There were 18 Wasdale team members involved. Total rescuer hours: 54