Incident started at 16:52 and ended at 19:31 making 2.7 hrs in total. There was 1 Wasdale team member involved and the incident occured at NY 211104. Total rescuer hours: 2.7
In the third tasking of the day a lone walker was struggling to find a safe way off the summit of Great Gable and asked for help. The Team Leader was able to talk to the walker with a good mobile signal and provided support remotely to guide him onto the Styhead path. Regular contact was maintained as signal allowed and a later the grateful walker confirmed he was safely back at Wasdale Head.
#BeAdventureSmart and make a good day better.
Ask yourself three questions before you set off:
1. Do I have the right GEAR ?
2. Do I know what the WEATHER will be like?
3. Am I confident that I have the KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS for the day?