Broad Crag – Tue 23rd Apr 2024

A call was received from Cumbria Police about a walker who had fallen awkwardly in the boulder field near Broad Crag summit. He had suffered painful facial injuries. A full callout was made and extra support for a long and difficult stretcher carry was requested and received from Duddon and Read more…

Broad Crag – Wed 5th Jul 2023

The team received a call from Cumbria Police about a walker who had fallen and suffered a suspected dislocated shoulder. As the location was high up near Broad Crag summit, helicopter support was requested via GNAAS. Helimed 58 responded quickly. Numbers were slightly low for a potentially difficult stretcher carry Read more…

Broad Crag – Fri 24th Mar 2023

We were called by Cumbria Police about two walkers who had made a navigational error on the descent from Scafell Pike and had ended up on difficult ground to the North of Broad Crag summit. Now finding themselves with steep drops all around, darkness falling and deteriorating weather conditions they Read more…

Broad Crag – Sun 1st Aug 2021

We were alerted by Cumbria Police about a walker who had sustained a knee injury on Broad Crag, (Scafell Pike). As a stretcher carry from there is particularly long, potentially dangerous, and difficult in any direction, air assistance was requested. The casualty was airlifted to hospital by Helimed 08 as Read more…

Broad Crag – Sun 7th Aug 2016

We were called by Police about 2 walker who were caught out by the weather and become lost in the Broad Crag area. They were located with the help of Sarloc. Once team members got on scene they were given warm clothing then helped to walk back down to Wasdale Read more…

Broad Crag – Fri 16th Nov 2012

We were contacted to assist two males who had become lost on the summit area of Scafell Pike. We used smart phone technology (or as Langdale MRT put it, technological voodoo) to pin point their position which was actually on the summit of Broad Crag. The Team Leader gave them Read more…

Broad Crag – Tue 28th Aug 2012

The team was called to attend a walker with a head injury on Broad Crag. Due to the remote location and lack of information about the casualty’s condition a Sea King from HMS Gannet attended and evacuated them to West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven. 13 team members attended.

Broad Crag – Wed 15th Aug 2012

We were contacted by the Police regarding two people who found themselves off the path in thick mist after descending Scafell Pike. Based on their description they were in the boulder field on Broad Crag. The team leader tried to provide directions over the phone but as soon as they Read more…

Broad Crag – Mon 4th Jun 2012

The team was called out to attend an unwell walker on Broad Crag. Whist we were assembling further information came through that the casualty was now feeling well enough to make their own way down and we stood down.

Broad Crag

The team were called to attend a walker with a back injury on Broad Crag. A Sea King helicopter from RAF Leconfield was training in the area and was able to winch the casualty aboard and fly them to Furness General Hospital, Barrow. The incident was stood down with only Read more…