38 in 2024
Wasdale Head
Other Agencies
Another call was received on Sunday afternoon from NWAS. A member of a family group going for a short walk had slipped on wet grass and injured her ankle. She was in significant pain and unable to weight bear. With no mobile signal, members of the group had raised the alarm at the Wasdale Head Inn, fortunately only five minutes away.
A full callout was made and team members were quickly on scene. After a full medical assessment, strong pain relief was given before splinting the ankle to reduce the pain. A short and straightforward stretcher journey followed before handover to a land ambulance at the road head. The team then returned to base to reset the vehicles.
We hope the walker recovers quickly from her injury and wish her well.

Incident started at 14:08 and ended at 17:39 making 3.5 hrs in total. There were 18 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY185092. Total rescuer hours: 63
