18 in 2012
Wastwater Screes

Preparing to transfer the casualty to the boat

Preparing to transfer the casualty to the boat

The team was called to a attend a young walker who had injured his leg whilst crossing the boulder field on the Wastwater Screes. He was one of a group of six undertaking an expedition. Team members attended on foot from the southern end of the lake and gave casualty care whilst the boat was launched from the other end of the lake. His leg was splinted and he was stretchered down the scree to the boat which ferried him to the ambulance waiting on the opposite shore.

Incident started at 15:00 and ended at 18:15 making 3.3 hrs in total. There were 19 Wasdale team members involved and the incident occured at NY 15301 04628 (altitude 88 m). Total rescuer hours: 63
