Lingmell – Wed 10th Apr 2019

We were called by Police about 2 walkers who reported themselves crag fast whilst ascending the fell from Wasdale. Using PhoneFind their position was established as being on the West Face of Lingmell, overlooking Wasdale Head Inn. A team member who was in the area went to the scene and Read more…

Lingmell – Wed 29th Jul 2015

We were called by Police about shouts for help being heard at the Wasdale Campsite coming from the direction of Lingmell. Police Officers attended and after a brief search met a walker who had been shouting for help but as it became light made their own way off the hill.

Lingmell – Sun 5th May 2013

We were contacted by the Police about a family of 4 who had become lost on their descent of Scafell Pike. After speaking with them on the phone it was likely they were in the rough ground between Piers & Straight Gill on the north side of Lingmell. A limited Read more…

Lingmell – Sat 1st Sep 2012

Four members of a group became separated from their leader and failed to turn up at Wasdale Head. The team leader located on Lingmell them using their smartphone. Their leader returned to meet up with them and walk them down via Lingmell Nose.

2010 incident 61

Walker on the descent path from Lingmel Nose stumbled and sustained a sustained a suspected fractured ankle. The call initially went to the Ambulance service and a road ambulance and air ambulance were dispatched. This later followed by a call for MRT assistance as the casualty location was some distance Read more…

Alert in 2009

A group of 3 people reported themselves lost on Scafell Pike. The Deputy Team Leader established their location over the telephone (top of Lingmell Gill, near Lingmell Scars) and gave guidance to get them to reach the nearest path.

Callout 48 in 2008

Call came direct from the Wasdale Head Hotel. Informant walked in reporting 44yr old female with possible heart attack. Location was Lingmell towards Brown Tongue path. Symptoms were consistent with a heart related issue and she was treated at the scene by team members. She was then carried to the Read more…

Callout 19 in 2008

Alarm raised by an informant at Wasdale Head of a hypothermic casualty in the Lingmell Crag area on Lingmell. An RAF Sea King rescue helicopter was already working in the Lake District and was asked for assistance. The team assembled in the valley bottom whilst the helicopter went straight to Read more…